Why should I let the toad Work
Squat on my life?
Why can't I use my wit as a pitchfork
And drive the brute off?
- Philip Larkin, Toads

I once read an article that began 'Sailing round Britain is easy: just take three months off and set sail...'
The trouble is, for those of us who still have to work for a living, taking three months off is not usually an option.
So I hit on the idea of doing the circumnavigation in instalments. Maybe, if I asked nicely, my boss would let me take off two weeks in May, then two weeks in June, then two weeks in July, travelling back home at the end of each fortnight to put in an appearance at work. And then repeat the process next year.
There were a few things working in my favour. Firstly, my boss, Amanda, is brilliant. Secondly, I've been in that job for ten years now and have maybe built up a stock of brownie points. Thirdly, 2021 and 2022 both have important milestone anniversaries in my personal life.
Add to this that during the Covid months I (like many others) have not had much opportunity to use up my annual leave entitlement, and I reckoned I had a case.
So, on the principle of nothing ventured, nothing gained, I asked whether it might be possible. The answer was yes, it might be, if there is a plan.
The plan had to demonstrate (a) that things would not fall to pieces during my absence, while also emphasising (b) that the company still couldn't entirely do without me. So we worked out how we might move things around or delegate them temporarily to other people, then we passed it up the chain of command. It was approved.
My Two Summers plan could go ahead.